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Meet the TrueCrypt

Wanna encrypt your data ? Well there are lots of solutions, but the better is the TrueCrypt! Think in a tool that can encrypt your entire pendrive, your data partition, can create and mount a kind of encrypted “container” and encrypt your entire system partition (this last one you have to run windows on it). Well and if I say it is € 0,00, yes this is real.

Visit the site of this wonderful tool:

It’s good to notice that this open-source tool runs on Windows, Mac and Linux!

ps: in a few days I will post a mini tutorial of its use! =)

Ps: Para ler em portugues, vá no link:

Battery Life on Ubuntu

To get some info about your battery life, open your terminal and enter:

$ cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/info

this will return you some useful info!
take a look at this output:
  1. present:                 yes
  2. design capacity:         4400 mAh
  3. last full capacity:      4300 mAh
  4. battery technology:      rechargeable
  5. design voltage:          11100 mV
  6. design capacity warning: 0 mAh
  7. design capacity low:     129 mAh
  8. cycle count:          0
  9. capacity granularity 1:  1 mAh
  10. capacity granularity 2:  1 mAh
Well well, at lines 2 and 3 we can notice that there is a gap between the values. If you charged completely your battery and it always doesn’t fit the same value, it may mean that your battery has lost some of its capacity! =/
Ps: Para ler em portugues, vá no link:

Hey folks, this is the first post and i really hope that you will enjoy the articles, tips, tutorials and all other stuff i post here.
First of all, this blog is for all kind of people, no matter if you are new or not at the Open-Source Community. Ill work to share my experience and to gain experience here, so don’t hesitate to comment or send me an email. It will be always welcome.

So thanks! GOGOGO! =)